Ridge Ranch Alpacas
Manifest the Life of Your Dreams…
…For Us That Dream Life Includes Our Alpaca Ranch!
Paca Pics!
If you are here to admire the Alpacas (and a Llama or 2) this is the page for you! Browse pictures of the herd, our ranch, and our experiences and projects!
Learn Alongside Us!
As we learn things about raising Alpaca and/or creating products from Alpaca fleece, (whether from experts, other Alpaca ranchers, or the school of hard knocks), our blog is the place we share those experiences and lessons to help other new Alpaca ranchers (and Alpaca fans) along our journey.
Get Alpaca Products!
We turn our Alpaca fleece into handmade products, and also offer photography products (pictures, prints, and even canvases) - our fellas are too cute not to photograph!